Buy a sample of the possibly purest water in the world!

The result of the market analyses performed this summer together with marketing department of one of the manufacturers’ highlights some interesting aspects

There is a strong opinion, above all within Bio-Tech and Life-science, that lab water from the major manufacturers is sufficiently pure to carry out everyday medical tests such as DNA analysis. Knowledge about purity of water is limited. Even a very frequent user of lab water generally does not know which aspects of the water’s purity matter. We have previously described standard techniques for water purification in Life-science where you do not remove, for example, viruses, but use UV light to break a virus into parts. The virus is neutralized, but the parts do not disappear. The amount of parts are measured in the unit TOC, Total Organic Carbon. The level must not exceed certain levels for the water to be considered pure enough and safe to inject into the human body. Other impurities such as ions (which are easy to remove and cheap to measure) have a very small impact in, for example, DNA analysis – but here the limit values ​​are set very low.

The conclusion is that standards and recommended levels for pure water within Life-science are strongly influenced by what can be removed and measured with available technology. We find this strange.

Wouldn’t it be better to completely remove viruses from the water?

Depending on what impurity is considered, water from Nanocap is 500-1000 times purer than standard lab water. Bot, poor knowledge about water purity in combination with a very strong marketing by the current lab-water suppliers makes it hard to get the attention we deserve.

However, there are those who understand our message. If you are a user who are very interested in purity of water and carry out tests where water purity matters, a “zero reference” or “baseline” is needed. These measuring instruments are found in various industries and perform tests using methods called Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) or Nanoparticle Tracking Analyses, NTA.

The precision of the measuring instrument is highly dependent on the zero reference, with logic; If you know what results the instrument shows with completely pure water, without any particles whatsoever, you can easily see the difference with your sample.

(Herein lies a common problem we struggle with: How do you measure water that is purer than anything you can compare it to? A bit like how do you measure a ruler? – With a better ruler. But how do you measure the best ruler?)

Regardless. With an obvious need for indisputable facts, we engaged Dr. Imtisal-E-Noor who is very knowledgeable in water and what techniques are used today to study purity. Together with her, we have produced a Whitepaper, i.e. a basis for the argumentation and which clearly shows examples where Nanocap’s water is superior to the water of the major manufacturers. An advertising brochure for researchers if you will.

The material is complete to the extent that only the tests themselves remain. Water samples are sent to two of the best labs in Europe for analysis and confirmation.

When the report is ready, we will publish it here on our website.